
NHS England publishes statistics on a range of health and care subjects. Theses statistics are used to inform debate, decision making and research both within government and by the wider community.

Recent publications are announced below. For a list of the areas that these statistics cover please see Statistical Work Areas.

Health and care statistics are also published by the Department of Health and NHS Digital.

Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection – April 2019

The Collection The April 2019 data for the Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection in England by NHS England were released on 3rd July 2019 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The collection’s purpose is to improve the identification of older patients with dementia and delirium, to monitor appropriate assessment and […]

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Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2018 Adult Inpatient Survey update

Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2018 Adult Inpatient Survey update Today we have published the latest statistical information on patients’ experience of inpatient services in the NHS. This is an update to include results from the 2018 Adult Inpatient Survey. Further supporting information, including an accompanying methodology statement, is available for this series by going to: […]

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Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for January 2019

Today NHS England published the Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for the 12 month period up to January 2019. Data includes breakdowns of NHS imaging activity undertaken in England, as well estimates of GP usage of direct access to key diagnostic tests for cancer such as chest imaging and Brain MRI. Further information and the data is […]

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Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection – February 2019

Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection – February 2019 The February 2019 data for the Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection in England by NHS England were released on 1st May 2019 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The collection’s purpose is to improve the identification of older patients with dementia […]

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