Mark and Victoria Gater

In 2018, Victoria heard a loud bang and rushed to find Mark on the floor, with his right side of his body limp and face dropped. Acting F.A.S.T., she dialled 999 and within hours had received a brain scan. Mark spent six weeks in hospital and six months in a rehabilitation centre. He was unable to speak for over 40 days, but his first word was ‘Victoria’. Mark and Victoria have since experienced the birth of their first grandchild and enjoy taking them to exciting places like the Zoo and seeing the world through their eyes.

Mark says: “I cannot tell you how important it is to dial 999 as soon as you spot any one sign of stroke. The hour between experiencing a stroke and accessing help is crucial to recovery. If it wasn’t for my wife and daughter acting as quickly as they did, I would not be here today enjoying time with them and my beautiful grandchildren.”