Complete list of publications related to NHS estates

Technical standards and guidance (health building notes/health technical memoranda documents)

The documents have moved and can be accessed from this section of our website.

Standard Department of Health and Social Care website protocol is to mark documents as ‘withdrawn’ as part of the redirect to our website. We are aware that this message on the website is creating the impression that individual health building notes (HBN) and health technical memoranda (HTM) documents have been withdrawn. This is not the case – all the documents hosted on our website are current.

This list shows the publication status of NHS estates including building notes, technical memorandums and framework policies and procedures.



This spreadsheet is a definitive list of all estates related guidance past and present.

It identifies the current status of each document, including whether it has been superseded and whether it is available for download.

The types of documents currently available include:

  • health building notes
  • health technical memorandums
  • Other miscellaneous NHS estates related standards or guidance

The spreadsheet also identifies which documents are no longer published.