Partners and stakeholders
The Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) works across the health system partners and cross-government as the senior adviser on healthcare science matters, as well as representing England’s healthcare science professionals on the national and international stage.
Our partners and stakeholders include:
Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) – The Academy for Healthcare Science is the overarching body for the whole of the Healthcare Science Profession, working alongside the specialist professional societies.
National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) – The School implements the NHS healthcare science training programmes and quality assures the training and delivery.
North West Healthcare Science Network – The NHS North West Healthcare Science Network is a professional network created in 2004 to support, promote, develop and represent the Healthcare Science workforce of over 7000 healthcare scientists in the North West.
Academic Health Science Networks – Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) present a unique opportunity to align education, clinical research, informatics, innovation, training and education and healthcare delivery. Their goal is to improve patient and population health outcomes by translating research into practice, and developing and implementing integrated health care services.