Personalised medicine

Imagine being able to get a faster diagnosis of a condition based on your unique situation, be given personalised treatments based on what would be most effective for you and experience fewer, if any, side effects….or even move away from simply managing an illness once you are sick to promoting health by predicting certain conditions and preventing them developing in the first place.

This is the basis for personalised medicine and by understanding the role our DNA plays in our health, it can help us transform how we think about our healthcare and help us deliver the four Ps:

  • Prediction and Prevention of disease
  • More Precise diagnoses
  • Personalised and targeted interventions
  • A more Participatory role for patients

By combining and analysing information about our genome, with other clinical and diagnostic information, patterns can be identified that can help to determine our individual risk of developing disease; detect illness earlier and determine the most effective interventions to help improve our health; be they medicines, lifestyle choices, or even simple changes in diet.

This can help us move away from simply managing an illness and instead focusing on promoting health.


If you have any queries regarding any aspect of personalised medicine please contact the Genomics Unit at NHS England via: