Useful autism resources and training

Ambitious about Autism


Disability Confident

  • Autism and Neurodiversity Toolkit for government departments, produced by Department for Work and Pensions, in partnership with the Autism Alliance UK and the Autism Task Group
  • It is for staff from all government departments and helps them better understand how they can support autistic people and associated Neuro-Diverse conditions
  • They have also developed a Disability Passport, ‘About Me’, that aims to support disabled claimants to safely disclose their disability or health condition to their Jobcentre Plus Work-Coach / Adviser with the aim of improving communication and ensuring appropriate, reasonable adjustments are identified and put in place at the earliest opportunity
  • David Gill’s story can be found on the Patient Voices website.

Future Learn

Learning Curve Group

National Autistic Society

National Development Team for Inclusion

Network Autism

NHS England

Prison Reform Trust and Rethink

Royal College General Practitioners

  • Autism was selected as a clinical priority for a three year period, from 2014:
  • They produced a range of content, including the Autistic Spectrum Disorders toolkit, a ‘one stop shop guide for primary care professionals, ICBs, people affected by autism, as well as interested members of the general public’
  • The page also includes autism awareness presentations for use by GPs and practice staff in their own surgeries and links to a range of policy and guidance.
  • The RCGP also have an online course to help GPs improve support for people on the autism spectrum.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Social Care Institute for Excellence

  • Two videos look at the techniques and skills that care workers and social workers need to support autistic people and help them achieve their goals.
  • SCIE’s Guide: Improving Access to Social Care for Adults with Autism looks at how social care services can improve access to adults with autism. 

Speak up Rotherham

Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust

The Autism Alliance

  • The Autism and CAMHS Toolkit for families, carers and professionals, which provides advice and guidance to support the access of autistic children to community CAMHS

University of Oxford

  • Health talk lets you share in other people’s experiences of health and illness. This information is based on qualitative research into patient experiences led by experts at the University of Oxford.