Dental care
We know that children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both have higher levels of untreated tooth decay. A healthy mouth is important for overall health and wellbeing. Good oral hygiene can affect your child’s ability to eat, sleep, talk, and play. It’s also important for how they feel about themselves. Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common UK dental problems, but are mostly preventable.
The sensory project is working with residential special schools and colleges to support daily mouth care for children and young people and oral health assessments which can identify people who need dental care or treatment.
More information about finding a dentist is available on the NHS.UK website. The site includes information about local dentist’s opening times, services, facilities, reviews and ratings.
More information
Providing oral healthcare for autistic children and young people and/or those with a learning disability in special educational settings
We have published a clinical standard to support everybody involved in providing oral healthcare for children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both, in Special Educational Settings in England.
To go with the clinical standard, we have produced some helpful resources that are designed to help people deliver the oral healthcare assessment, either in person or remotely. They are helpful for staff in Special Educational Settings, as well as the child or young person themselves.
Families and carers
We have worked with SeeAbility, Contact and the National Deaf Children’s Society to produce a parents’ guide to oral health and dental care for children with a learning disability, autism or both.
The guide explains why these health checks are important, how to access them and how to prepare and support your child.
Going to the dentist in words, symbols and Makaton signs
For lots of reasons some people find going to the dentist difficult. This film from Health Education England explains to you in words, symbols and Makaton signs what happens on a routine visit to the dentist.
Books beyond words – Going to the dentist
This story about Matthew gives information about a dental x-ray, preparing a tooth for a filling and how to keep his teeth and gums healthy.
Reasonable adjustments at the dentist
This photo story shows how Katrina gets the right care when she goes to the dentist by asking for reasonable adjustments.
Looking after your teeth
This easy read guide is about dental care. This is about looking after your teeth by keeping them clean and by going to the dentist regularly.
Useful links
- British Society of Paediatric Dentistry – the national society dedicated to improving the oral health of children from birth to 16.
- BSPD’s Advice for parents of children with autism.
- BSPD’s Kidsvids
- Brush DJ – a free oral health app listed in the NHS apps library to make brushing fun.