Professional resources

This page has links and resources for people who work in health and social care including:

Join the We Support STOMP network

This is a network set up particularly for people who are leading on STOMP work from all walks of life. Here you can discuss implementation of STOMP and access or share files, videos and announcements. To join the network, you need to register on, and request to join the #WeSupportSTOMP network.

Film resources

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has created a set of five short films about STOMP, one each for GPs, psychiatrists, carers, learning disability teams and pharmacists.

GP prescribing

Stopping Over-Medication of People with a Learning Disability (STOMP) has been co-produced by the Royal Colleges of Nursing, Psychiatrists and GPs, as well as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, the British Psychological Society and NHS England.

The Royal College of GPs has updated and published a Step by Step guide for annual health checks which includes advice on medication reviews and the need to reduce psychotropic medication

Care Quality Commission work on people detained under the Mental Health Act

The CQC acknowledges the findings of a survey of medication for detained patients with a learning disability and supports the NHS England STOMP call for action.

The CQC is working with inspection teams to increase their awareness, knowledge and tools to assess whether good prescribing practice takes place in services that the CQC regulates. This will range from checking clinical governance procedures associated with prescribing to checking practice standards.

The second opinion appointed doctors who authorise and certify treatment plans for people with a learning disability who are detained under the Mental Health Act in hospitals will also be offered updates on national and professional guidance on this topic as part of their continuous professional development.

Pharmacy advice

Public Health England Learning Disability Observatory published a guide for staff in pharmacy and learning disability support teams in 2017. It is about best practice for supporting people with a learning disability, autism or both.

The Centre for Pharmacy Post-graduate Education has launched online learning for pharmacists to develop awareness, understanding and key skills to help them deliver high quality care.

Nursing advice

The Royal College of Nursing guidance for pre-registration education students (across all branches) on learning disabilities includes a section on over-medication.

Social care resources

STOMP partner VODG (Voluntary Organisations Disability Group) was commissioned to produce a social care pledge that has been signed by more than 150 providers. Between them, they support more than 50,000 people with a learning disability, autism or both. VODG has produced other useful resources too, such as a booklet about supporting people when they visit the doctor, which includes an easy read section for the person.

Top tips for advocates

VoiceAbility aims to make sure that people are supported to have control over their lives and advocacy can play a big role in making sure that people’s views about their medication are heard, that their rights are upheld and they are supported to make their own choices and enjoy a good life.

To find out more about how advocates can help ‘STOMP Top Tips for Advocates‘ has been written by and for advocates and includes ten ways to help stop the over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both.