Information for patients
If you need help or support with your medicines, please visit the NHS website.
Did you know?
People with long term conditions:
- 10 days after starting a new medicine, one third of people are not taking it as advised on the pack
- And most don’t realise they are not taking their medicines correctly
People without long term conditions:
- 10 days after starting a new medicine, 6 out of 10 feel they are lacking information
- And 50% have a problem with their medicine.
Many people are not getting the help and support they need with their medicines.
Some are becoming unwell and may even be admitted to hospital when they don’t need to be. Thousands of others don’t get the benefits they would like from their medicines, affecting their quality of life.
With issues such as an ageing population, increasing numbers of people with long term health conditions, and growing antibiotic resistance, NHS England is working with its partners to make sure people get the help they need with their medicines.
Our aim is to save lives and deliver:
- An improved quality of life for many people
- Savings which the NHS can re-invest in patient care
- Reduced pressure on urgent and emergency care, and GP practice appointments.