Focussed intervention with 2 STP areas drove improvement in their dementia diagnosis rates. A total increase of 309 more people have a recorded diagnosis of dementia in the areas concerned
1247 more people resident in the 5 East Midlands STP areas have a recorded diagnosis of dementia reducing the gap between calculated estimated prevalence (age 65+) and recorded diagnosis
118 clinicians, commissioners and managers attended dementia shared learning exchanges about care home workforce development, delirium, memory assessment services and advance care planning in dementia.
Informed the development of successful bids, securing £2 million of additional funding across 5 East Midlands acute hospitals for 2017/18 and 2018/19 to improve access to services reaching 24 standards
52 providers and commissioners attended the East Midlands launch of ‘Implementing the Evidence Based Treatment Pathways’ for urgent and emergency care adult mental health
112 clinicians attended a range of specialist training in areas such as infant mental health (38), mother-infant interaction (12) and updates in perinatal mental health (62)
5 provider organisations delivered training for community midwives and to adult mental health teams
644 women and their babies in Nottinghamshire who require specialist care will benefit from £698,000 of Community Services Development Funding to support service improvements over a three year period
64 EIP clinicians attended our physical health care education and training programme
81 EIP practitioners attended the At Risk Mental State (ARMS) training
450 GPs attended referral and awareness sessions on first episode psychosis with provision for a further 450 planned in 2017/18
226 people in Lincolnshire will benefit from a new service model for Early Intervention in Psychosis that will deliver improved quality of care and specialist treatment
73 clinicians, managers and data analysts attended action learning sets facilitating improvements in data management, quality and reporting in line with national EIP guidance
72 IAPT clinicians from across Midlands and East participated in a specially designed ‘Clinical Leadership for Service Improvement in IAPT’ programme at Masters’ level, commissioned by the East Midlands clinical network on behalf of the region.
33 delegates from across the East Midlands attended Data Analyst workshops
24 clinical leads, commissioners and managers from across the East Midlands attended Demand and Capacity Workshops
64 mental health clinicians from the East Midlands attended parity of esteem training
19 CCGs received individualised infographics identifying variation in service provision, inequity of access and the level of comprehensive health checks in primary care for people with severe mental illness
Over 100 stakeholders (service users, peer supporters, clinicians, commissioners and providers) from East Midlands health and care systems came together with national and local experts to discuss parity of esteem and hear about local innovations. This improved understanding of the disparity in health outcomes for people with severe mental illness (SMI) and shared innovative approaches to help improve the physical health of people with severe mental illness
The Clinical Lead for Parity of Esteem produced the Network’s report on Improving the Physical Health of People with Serious Mental Illness in the East Midlands
Health systems across East Midlands hosted learning exchanges to share their challenges and solutions to improving physical health care for people with severe mental illness