Crisis care mental health

As a signatory to the Crisis Care Concordat, NHS England began a major program on crisis care, with the aim of ensuring 24/7 access to the right services for people experiencing mental health crisis. This includes £249m investment in urgent and emergency mental health liaison in acute hospitals, and investment in community crisis response.

The East Midlands Mental Health Clinical Network is facilitating local systems across the East Midlands footprint to transform Crisis Mental Health Services.

The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health objective states that by 2020/21, all areas will provide crisis resolution and home treatment teams (CRHTTs) that are resourced to operate in line with recognised best practice – delivering a 24/7 community-based crisis response and intensive home treatment as an alternative to acute in-patient admissions.

The network support offer includes;

  • benchmarking services against Core Fidelity 2 standards
  • clinical leadership to inform implementation of key national guidelines anticipated in 2018

For further information regarding the Crisis Mental Health work program or service improvement networks, please email