About us

Our purpose

The Pharmacy LPN will work closely with Commissioners, Health & Wellbeing Boards, other Networks, Clinical Senate, providers and patients to ensure that the contribution of Pharmacy is maximised in the improvement of outcomes and reduction in health inequalities.

Core functions

  • Work with NHS England and CCGs to develop and help implement the primary care strategy
  • Provide clinical leadership to ensure robust commissioning of all locally enhanced services
  • Support the Health & Wellbeing Boards on the development of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
  • Work with key stakeholders to drive improvement in outcomes, in line with local and national priorities
  • Act as a vehicle for clinically led and clinically owned delivery of:
    – Best outcomes for patients that reflects local need
    – Quality improvement
    – Best use of NHS resources
    – Planning and designing integrated care pathways
    – Leadership and engagement
  • Support the development of new programmes of work to promote self care and improve long term conditions
  • Work with patients and other health care professionals to deliver the medicines optimisation agenda
  • Support the sharing of learning from medication incidents and Serious Incidents Requiring Investigation (SIRIs) to help improve patient safety
  • Develop an annual work plan highlighting the priority improvement workstreams for the year including a local professional leadership development plan (supported by the LETB) in the first year
  • Support LETBs in workforce planning and identifying educational and training needs in the pharmacy workforce


The Pharmacy LPN is accountable through the Chair to the Director of Commissioning at the regional team.

image for the pharmacy local professional network structure