More nursing and midwifery stories from Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent…
Royal Stoke University Hospital and University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Sharon Brissett, a nurse at Royal Stoke University Hospital had an opportunity
to talk on zoom with popstar Robbie Williams and his wife as part of a podcast.
The recording was done as part of the hospital’s charity work and virtual advent calendar, centred on giving local people and the hospital staff a Christmas message.
During the podcast, Sharon talks about what it was like for her and her team to work throughout the Covid pandemic.
How I became a nurse…
Rob Ratcliffe – Clinical lead, District Nurse and Community Practice Educator with the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – talks about his route into nursing…
I started my NHS career as a healthcare support worker at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust after a family member was admitted to the hospital.
I was then seconded to do my nurse training and once qualified, worked in A&E for three years. Twelve years ago I started in a community nursing role, where I have since completed my specialist practice qualification and my practice teacher module.