NHS North West – North West Higher Level Responsible Officer (HLRO)
Welcome to the NHS North West Higher Level Responsible Officer web page.
We hope this webpage will provide you with links to helpful information about your role as a Responsible Officer and for those supporting you in that role.
If you think your organisation meets the criteria to be a designated body, you have questions around your role as a Responsible Officer, or would like more information about our events in the North West, please contact the team at england.nw.hlro@nhs.net.
More information about the role of the Responsible Officer can be found on the NHS England Responsible Officer page – england.nhs.uk/professional-standards/medical-revalidation/ro/
Responsible Officer Regulations legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2010/9780111500286.
Please note the 2013 amendments to the Responsible Officer Regulations legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/391/contents/made
Please also note Schedule 2 of the Responsible Officer Regulations legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2010/9780111500286/schedule
The GMC has a connection algorithm that can help you determine if you have a connection to a designated body, could connect to a suitable person, or have no connection. Please find more information gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/managing-your-registration/revalidation/my-db-tool
Please find below a link to the policy for managing applications –england.nhs.uk/publication/policy-for-managing-applications-to-join-the-england-performers-lists/
The Performers List Regulations can be found here – legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/335/contents
The framework for managing performance concerns can be found here england.nhs.uk/publication/framework-for-managing-performer-concerns/