Whyndyke Farm, Fylde

Key facts

  • Fylde Borough Council as lead applicant
  • 1400 homes across 72 hectares
  • 20 hectares of employment land
  • Greenfield site
  • Timeline: Completed by 2031
  • First occupation Summer – 2018
  • Region: North

Fylde’s vision

The 1,400-home Whyndyke Garden Village development is a 91-hectare housing development planned for the Fylde coast. The objective is to design a town of the future, building a healthy community with education, health, work and neighbourliness at its core.

Whyndyke Garden Village is a new initiative that encourages people who want to live a healthier lifestyle on the Fylde Coast. It promotes health and wellbeing through planning and the built environment and by developing creative ideas that in turn will empower a new and exciting community.


The five priorities for Whyndyke Garden Village are:

  • Developing the model of healthcare provision.
  • Pushing the telehealth care agenda.
  • Developing a healthy community facility
  • Encouraging physical activity.
  • To create a dementia friendly home for life long living.

Examples of work carried out

  • An agreement has been established to bring together school, health and community facilities into a central community hub.
  • Linkages with the Fylde Coast Vanguard and Lancashire & Cumbria Innovation Alliance (LCIA) Test bed have been established including a monthly health care facility operational group to shape proposals, engage with providers and to establish internal health governance.
  • Smart Home digital proposal being worked up with Lancaster University’s Digital Health Chair. Agreement with Lancaster University for a PHD student to focus on Whyndyke Garden Village Heathy New Town outputs.
  • Secured a Free School Sponsor and agreed an independent schools advisor to act as client management between WGV and Free School Sponsor.
  • Used Strava data and to join up the site to existing trail, cycle and road routes, creating better environments and safer place for people to go.
  • Health profiling work centred on “other long term conditions” affecting the community across the Fylde Coast
  • A range of options for a Community Asset Ownership Model for Whyndyke Garden Village have been developed
  • Healthy Principles have been included in section 106 planning agreement.

Examples of work to be completed

  • A specification for a planned health hub will be designed. This will include a healthcare facility, which focuses on self-care and prevention strategies, that incorporates learning from Fylde Coast Vanguard and the Lancashire and Cumbria Innovation Alliance (LCIA) test bed.
  • Establish a legal and financial framework to link school, health facility and community facilities into a single Community Hub.
  • Digital infrastructure that supports health self-care will be established. Including a vision and requirements for developing a digital masterplan for WGV (a platform/base technology for affordable smart homes and digital community infrastructure).
  • Partnership interest with commercial technology partners will be explored.
  • Strengthen linkages with Lancaster University Health Innovation Campus and operational working groups.
  • Submit a Free School expression of interest application.
  • Identify selection criteria following the community asset ownership visit programme.
  • A supplementary planning document (SPD) based on the 10 health principles will be developed to embed into Fylde Council Local Plan 2032.
  • Complete the desktop review of a Home for Life Long Living to pool knowledge from other interested organisations, key professionals and stakeholders. The Homes for Life-Long Living strand of work will deliver a design guide for dementia friendly homes. Work will also be carried out with affordable housing providers to develop a commercially viable specification for Homes for Life-Long Living.
  • Completion of a communications plan to support the Communications and Engagement group; and
  • A Masterplan design (travel planning, wayfinding, walking to school etc), which reflects local HNT collaboration will be produced.

Links to relevant websites and social media