Tobacco dependency programme
Smoking remains one of the biggest killers in this country. 64,000 people die from smoking related illnesses in England every year and it’s estimated that for every person who dies due to a smoking related illness, there are another 30 who will suffer from serious smoking related diseases. While smoking is most commonly associated with lung cancer, it can also cause 15 other cancers and over 100 other diseases. This means that 2 out of every 3 smokers will die due to a smoking related disease.
Tackling smoking remains the leading modifiable cause of health inequalities.
Tobacco dependence treatment is effective and improves the health and wellbeing of the person smoking and their family, as well as saving them money. Helping people tackle their tobacco dependence is a key component of the NHS Long Term Plan and forms the NHS’s contribution to wider government action to deliver the 2030 ambition for a smoke free generation.
- Smoking and hospital stays
- The importance of tackling tobacco dependency, a staff perspective
- Smoking and pregnancy
- Smoking and mental health
- Further resources
Smoking and hospital stays
Being in hospital is a significant event in someone’s life and people can be more open to making healthier choices. The Long Term Plan commits to providing NHS funded tobacco dependency treatment to all inpatients who smoke, with everyone admitted overnight being able to access services by the end of 2023/24.
To support roll-out we are working with the British Thoracic Society and Action for Smoking and Health (ASH) to provide additional support.
More resources are also available for systems implementing services on the NHS Prevention Programme NHS Futures platform (you will have to request to join, but access will be given normally within 2 working days)
The importance of tackling tobacco dependency, a staff perspective
NHS England and the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) have developed new eLearning for clinical colleagues supporting patients to stop smoking. The new training modules are for staff delivering services across acute and mental health inpatient settings. The short films highlight the importance leading experts attach to the training and the significance of treating tobacco dependence including the benefits to patients when supported to quit. The films reinforce the NHS’s commitments on smoking and tobacco dependency as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.
The eLearning modules will build and strengthen staff skills when delivering brief advice, providing behavioural support and to find the appropriate quit aids for their patients. The eLearning is available on the eLFH platform.
Tobacco dependence services in acute settings
Tobacco dependence services for people in mental health settings
Smoking and pregnancy
Smoking is also the single greatest modifiable risk factor for poor outcomes in pregnancy, with nearly 1 in 10 women still smoking when their baby is born. The harms associated with smoking relate not only to the mother but also to the unborn child, where we see a doubling of the likelihood of stillbirth and tripling of the likelihood of sudden infant death. We also see smoking rates concentrated among pregnant women from poorer backgrounds, with women from the poorest 10% of the population six times more likely to smoke than those from the most affluent 10%. This is why we are rolling out a separate offer for all pregnant women who smoke, allowing them to access treatment while in direct contact with maternity services. This will be rolled out to every maternity service by the end of 2023/24.
One of the most important actions a woman who smokes can take to reduce the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes is to stop smoking. The Saving babies’ lives care bundle is an evidence based best practice guide, for providers and commissioners of maternity care across England to help pregnant women stop smoking and reduce perinatal mortality rates. The newest version builds on previous guides to ensure services are engaging with mothers so they can access support available to them, throughout their pregnancy, to help them quit smoking.
Tobacco treatment services are being rolled out across a range of NHS settings. The following films show how the Phoenix team at the Kings Mill Hospital, which is part of the Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundations Trust, developed its service to assist pregnant women to get the real time support to quit.
Saving Babies Lives – Kings Mill Hospital
Heidi and Misha – operational for NHS HCP
Case study with Phoenix team lead, mum and baby
Smoking and mental health
People with serious mental illness experience a disproportionate impact from smoking. While standard tobacco dependency treatment can be effective in supporting people with a severe mental illness to quit, there is evidence that a bespoke service can be more effective. The third Long Term Plan commitment for tobacco is therefore focussed on ensuring tobacco dependency treatment services are available to people with a severe mental illness in the community.
To support implementation, we have commissioned a national quality improvement programme, Quality improvement in tobacco treatment (QuITT), working specifically with mental health trusts to support them to successfully embed a treatment programme for their patients who want support to stop smoking. This process will put patients and staff at the heart of service design and delivery, securing clinical and senior leadership endorsement for tobacco dependency services within these settings.
Plans are underway to mobilise community mental health tobacco services from 2023/24, with the first new early implementer sites starting delivery this year.
Further resources
Blog: Smokefree pregnancies
Dr Misha Moore reflects on the recent launch of version 3 of the Saving babies lives vare bundle. Read Misha’s blog.
Blog: My
day as a Tobacco Dependency Treatment Adviser
Sally has been working at Rotherham General Hospital for two years. Find out how she supports patients and staff to live healthier lives by helping them stop smoking.