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A-EQUIP education

During the early development stages of A-EQUIP (an acronym for advocating for education and quality improvement) an education work stream was established to support both midwives education towards becoming a Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to develop A-EQUIP training. The group, made up of representatives from Health Education England, Lead Midwives […]

We are meeting concerns on gender services

NHS England’s new Senior Responsible Officer for Gender Identity Services introduces a 12-week consultation on proposed new service specifications: I want to begin my first blog by thanking predecessor Will Huxter who held this job for the last two years and has been a powerful advocate for the rights of trans people. Since 2015 there […]

Entrepreneur scheme for innovative doctors extended to healthcare scientists and dentists

A unique training scheme for clinicians whose innovative ideas could lead to big patient benefits has been opened up to healthcare scientists and dentists. Over the last year 103 junior doctors have developed their ideas and their business skills through the Clinical Entrepreneur programme. Now applications are opening up to healthcare scientists and dentists. The […]