Pharmacy contract teams

The role of the local primary care pharmacy contract teams is to:

  • determine applications for pharmacy contracts, monitor contracts and ensure appropriate availability and access to pharmaceutical services
  • ensure consistent implementation and delivery of national NHS pharmaceutical (essential and advanced) services are across England
  • commission high quality, accessible and timely enhanced pharmaceutical services for local residents
  • maintain the local pharmaceutical list
  • support contractors to provide the best possible service to patients
  • consult and work collaboratively with the Local Pharmacy Committees (LPCs), which represent local pharmacy providers
  • work with others locally to ensure integration of pharmaceutical services with other NHS services

Pharmacy contract teams are supported by NHS England regions and the national community pharmacy commissioning team.

To find your local integrated care board (ICB), please visit this page.

Pharmacy contract teams’ email addresses are listed below:

East of England



North East and Yorkshire

North West

South East

South West