ROAN information sheet 20a: GP career support – experienced GPs
As an experienced GP, you may be considering how you to develop your career – perhaps taking on more leadership responsibility, going into partnership or developing a speciality. With added personal responsibilities such as caring for a child or family member you may also be looking for ways to achieve a better work-life balance.
The following support mechanisms are aimed at experienced GPs:
General Practice Improvement Leader Programme – Funded places are provided on this established training programme from NHS England’s Sustainable Improvement team. This works with small cohorts of up to 30 people to build confidence and skills for leading service redesign in your practice or federation.
NHS Leadership Academy – great leadership development improves leadership behaviours and skills and leads to better patient care, experience and outcomes. The academy’s courses in primary care leadership are led locally and vary in different parts of the country. Courses include team leadership development, emerging leaders, networks and systems leadership.
BMA personal and career development programmes (BMA members) – offers personal guidance, FAQs and practical tools on the topics you face on a day-to-day basis as a GP, including a variety of career development and leadership courses. To learn more phone 0300 123 123. Local medical committees are also a helpful source of advice.
Guidance on revalidation/appraisal (GMC) – Information on the revalidation and appraisal process .
Extended roles – RCGP guidance for GPs with an extended role.
RCGP Clinical Advisers Programme
The GP career support pack sets out the various types of support available to you throughout your career as a general practitioner in England. You can access the GP career support pack on the NHS England website.
This information sheet is relevant primarily to NHS England responsible officers.
Release October 2018.