Independent reviews
Independent Review into Thomas Oliver McGowan’s LeDeR Process: phase two
A report by Fiona Ritchie OBE, Chair on behalf of Oliver’s Independent Panel for NHS England and NHS Improvement.
- Independent Review into Thomas Oliver McGowan’s LeDeR Process: phase two
- Easy read version about the review and the recommendations that were made
Pathology services
A need for transparency, better safety checks on testing, consistency and standardisation of processes and procedures are some of the recommendations made to NHS England in a review into pathology services.
Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, former Medical Director of NHS England, commissioned Dr Ian Barnes, chair of NHS England’s Pathology Quality Assurance Review Board, to strengthen and refine the quality assurance process for pathology services in England and to make the process more transparent. His request for a detailed and thorough review was prompted by reports of inadequate assurance processes at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.