South West Community Pharmacy Information

This webpage is for Community Pharmacists and their teams based in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire.

Further details and opening times of pharmacies are available on the NHS website. You can also find South West Bank Holiday maps and opening hours on our website.

All public and patient enquiries, complaints and Freedom of Information Act requests should be directed to or telephone 0300 311 22 33.

If you are from a Community Pharmacy in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon or Wiltshire and have a query, please email us at

Changes to Core or Supplementary Hours

Please complete the relevant form if your pharmacy wishes to change their opening hours:

Clinical Waste Services for Pharmacies

NHS England has an agreement in place with the following providers:

BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire
Stericycle (SRCL)
Telephone: 0333 2404400

Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire
Telephone: 0845 603 2893

Cornwall & IOS
Peake (GB) Ltd
Telephone: 01579 342212

Telephone: 029 2085 1000

Stericycle (SRCL)
Telephone: 0333 2404400

Telephone: 0845 603 2893

Stericycle (SRCL)
Telephone: 0333 2404400


Telephone: 029 2085 1000

Contact Details


Contact for Controlled Drugs

Please remember to report any controlled drug incidents or concerns to the Controlled Drug Accountable Officer. For controlled drug general queries please email

Visit our Controlled Drugs page for more information.

Guidance Resources

Forged prescription guidance

Clinical Reporting (COVID-19 Vaccination Sites Only)

 Specialist Medicines Enhanced Service

Links to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNAs)

Links to your Community Pharmacy Local (CPL) Committee


Market Entry Applications and Changes of Director and/or Superintendent Pharmacist

Pharmacies planning a Change of Ownership, to relocate premises, consolidate existing premises or open a new pharmacy under The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 must apply to NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub. The Regulations can be found here:  The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 ( To apply, please access the Pharmacy Market Management Services (PMMS) through the Primary Care Support England (PCSE) portal.  The relevant application forms are on the website and there is guidance on signing up to the portal and completing and submitting the forms.

Where a pharmacy body corporate appoints a new director or superintendent, or a DAC body corporate appoints a new director, it must notify the NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub within 30 days (paragraph 32(4), Schedule 4 and paragraph 22(4), Schedule 5 of the Regulations). The Regulations can be found here: The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 ( To do this, please access the Pharmacy Market Management Services (PMMS) through the Primary Care Support England (PCSE) portal and complete and submit the relevant forms. There is guidance on the process on the website.

Market Exit

Where a contractor wishes to withdraw from a pharmaceutical list (Market Exit) they are required to give notice of the proposed pharmacy closure to the NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub:

  • Pharmacies with 40 core opening hours – at least three months,
  • Pharmacies with 100 core opening hours – at least six months,
  • Pharmacies with more than 40 core opening hours where a direction is in place – at least three months,
  • Dispensing appliance contractors – at least three months

The relevant form can be found here and should be sent to

NHS Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint about primary care services for GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacy services please contact:

NHS Mail Shared E-Mail Accounts

All community pharmacies and DAC organisations must be set up with a shared NHS mailbox. This mailbox is separate to your personal mailbox and can be accessed by multiple members of staff. All staff who have access to the shared mailbox can send emails ‘on behalf’ of the mailbox.

NHS Mail accounts are available to community pharmacies to support the secure exchange of patient or sensitive data with other health and social care professionals.  If you have not already applied for your site specific shared e-mail account, please use the following link for information on how to arrange set up:  If you have any problems using the NHS Mail system you can direct queries to:

There have been some amendments in the process for adding additional users to a shared NHS mailbox.

Where there are UNDER 10 users already assigned to a shared mailbox

New staff member(s) will need to have a personal NHSmail account to enable them to have access to the pharmacy shared mailbox. If the pharmacy has less than 10 user accounts assigned to the shared mailbox, the shared mailbox owner will need to raise a request with the pharmacy national helpdesk, (from the shared NHSmail account) emailing asking for the personal account to be created. The request will need to include:

  • Pharmacy team members complete name,
  • alternate email address
  • their mobile phone number (as the password will be sent by a text message)
  • confirm if their account will be linked to the shared mailbox and if the account will be an owner or member

Where there are OVER 10 users already assigned to a shared mailbox

If the pharmacy’s shared NHS mailbox has more than 10 users already assigned and require extra new users (personal accounts) to be added, all requests need to be completed on the Additional User Account blank spreadsheet and emailed to for authorisation. Once authorised the NHS England South West Community Pharmacy Team will forward the request to the pharmacy national helpdesk for processing.

The NHSMail guide for Organisations provides information/guidance on

  • What to do if you are moving to another organisation
  • What to do when ownership of a community pharmacy changes

NHS UK: Your Profile Page

NHS UK is the primary public facing website of the NHS. It provides comprehensive and trusted health information to help people make the most of their health and get the best out of the healthcare system. The pages include directories of local health services. The site also shows comparative data about healthcare providers, to help people make informed choices about their healthcare. This includes feedback on all NHS services.

If a patient logs onto the website, they will be able to find a profile for each NHS contract. They will also find a Patient Feedback page where they can leave a comment and a rating on their experiences at your pharmacy. It is good practice to acknowledge and respond to comments; your editing rights will include the option to set up permissions for members of your staff to respond to feedback posted to your profile.

If you have any queries, please contact the NHS UK service desk. General support is also available through the Community Pharmacy England (CPE).

The NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub does expect the site to reflect the current service provision so that patients can access the most up to date information. Please ensure that any changes to your profile adhere to any regulatory requirements around proposed changes to opening hours, to include lunch breaks and bank holidays. The NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub will be doing audits around this.

NHS Prescription Services

The NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) NHS Prescription Services, provides prescribing, dispensing and payment information for dispensing contractors.

NHS Prescription Services produces the monthly Drug Tariff on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care. You can view the Drug Tariff on-line.

PCSE Supplies / Stationary

Your NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub supplies should be ordered through PCSE Online.

Reporting Significant Incidents or Concerns

NHS England has launched a new national online service to record patient safety events and to help us learn from things that go wrong in healthcare. Learn From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) is replacing the National Reporting Learning System (NRLS) and all healthcare staff in England, including those working in primary care services, are encouraged to use the system to record any events where:

  • a patient was harmed, or could have been harmed
  • there has been a poor outcome but it is not yet clear whether an incident contributed or not
  • risks to patient safety in the future have been identified
  • good care has been delivered that could be learned from to improve patient safety

The LFPSE reporting system can be accessed here and more details on the LFPSE service can be found on NHS England’s website.

Serious Difficulty Application

Patients can apply to the NHS South West Collaborative Commissioning Hub to have their prescriptions dispensed by their GP due to serious difficulty in obtaining them from a pharmacy. Please complete the below form if you wish to apply.

Temporary Suspension of Service

In the event of a temporary suspension of service in accordance with the regulations, contractors must notify the commissioner of any temporary suspension as soon as practical.

The Terms of Service require NHS community pharmacy owners to have a business continuity plan for temporary suspensions due to illness or other reason beyond their control and to action the plan when necessary.

For any temporary suspension in service the contractor should use all reasonable endeavours to implement their business continuity plan, this should include as a minimum the following:

  • Inform the commissioner of the closure as soon as practicable. This can be completed in the South West region via one of the following ways:
  • Update their directory of services (DoS) profiles via Profile Manager to show the temporary suspension of service.
  • Ensure patients are not referred to the pharmacy premises for directed urgent care services during the temporary suspension where practicable.
  • Notify other pharmaceutical service providers and GP practices about the suspension, and its anticipated duration, where practicable.
  • Display the necessary information to patients about the suspension, and its anticipated duration, in the approved manner, so that it is visible from outside the pharmacy (or for DSPs made the necessary changes to their website).
  • Make arrangements for the continuity of patient care including for those patients with booked appointments or those attending the pharmacy regularly for the supervised administration of medicines. (details on how to find your local Drug and Alcohol Support Service can be found under the Drug & Alcohol Services section of this bulletin).
  • Use all reasonable endeavours to resume the provision of pharmaceutical services as soon as practicable.

Translation & Interpretation Services for NHS Patients

Interpretation and Translation Services information can be found on our website.


South West Pharmacy Bulletins 2023