Board meetings

The NHS England Board is committed to openness and transparency and conducts as much of its business as possible in a session that members of the public are welcome to attend and observe, subject to available space.

Upcoming meeting

Our next NHS England public board meeting will take place on 6 February 2025 in London.

Please note that dates and times may be subject to change, so please check back regularly for updates. Members of the public, media and other interested parties can register to attend below, or watch a live video stream of the Board meeting.

Attending a Board meeting

If you wish to attend a Board meeting, please contact by 4pm the day before the meeting, and remember to let us know if you have any specific requirements.

Please be aware that you will need to sign-in at reception upon arrival and will not be allowed access to the building until five minutes before the meeting starts. A member of staff will escort everyone to the meeting room.

Unfortunately, if members of the public arrive after the meeting has already started it may not be possible for them to join the meeting.

At the end of meeting, all members of the public will also be escorted back to the main entrance by a member of staff.

Please be aware there will be no opportunity to ask questions during the Board meeting, but once the meeting has ended members of the public will have the chance to ask any questions via the head of board governance related to the business considered at the meeting or to be addressed through the NHS England enquiries.

Future meetings

Future meetings will take place on:

  • 6 February 2025 (London)
  • 27 March (North East and Yorkshire)

Previous meetings

You can view the papers and watch videos from previous meetings below. The minutes of the meetings will be published here after they have been agreed.

NHS England » Previous meetings