Who to contact if you have an enquiry about a vaccination invitation

This page gives information on who to contact if you have an enquiry about a vaccination invitation you’ve received from NHS England.

How to check if the invitation is from NHS England

Invitations from NHS England will come from the following senders:​

  • SMS: NHSvaccine
  • email: nhs.vaccination.invitations@notifications.service.gov.uk (not monitored – do not send emails to this address)
  • letter: NHS England Vaccinations Team

If your invitation is from your GP surgery or other local health service, you will need to contact them directly.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible for a vaccination

NHS England uses information from your NHS record to check whether you’re eligible for vaccination. You can find out who is eligible for vaccinations on NHS.UK.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, you can speak to your pharmacist, GP or specialist. You can also discuss this with a healthcare professional at your vaccination appointment.

To check what information is on your NHS record

To check your GP health record, you can use the NHS App or contact your GP surgery.

You may be able to check your vaccination history in the NHS App. For COVID-19 vaccinations, you can also use the check your COVID-19 vaccine record service.

NHS England also uses information from other sources to identify who to invite for vaccinations. This includes hospital records, which your GP surgery may not be able to access. If you have an enquiry about this, contact the NHS England Customer Contact Centre.

If you need to correct or update your personal details

Your GP surgery can correct or update the following details on your NHS record:

  • name
  • home address
  • email address
  • mobile phone number
  • date of birth

For any other enquiries

For any other enquiries, please contact the NHS England Customer Contact Centre.