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No. Your NHS number helps with the registration process. However, you do not need your NHS number to register with a GP practice. For more information about the NHS number visit the website.

Medical cards are no longer issued in England. If you still have one it may have an old-style NHS Number made-up of both letters and numbers. However, in recent years this has been replaced for all patients with an NHS Number containing only numbers. For more information about the NHS number visit the website.

All treatment that is, in your dentist’s opinion, clinically necessary to protect and maintain good oral health is available on the NHS. For more information about NHS dental services visit the website.

A UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in the European Union (EU). Existing European Health Insurance Cards (EHICs) remain valid until their date of expiry, so you do not need to apply for a GHIC if you hold a valid EHIC. Learn about the GHIC and how to apply.

Although treatment on the NHS is free at the point of delivery, there may still be some costs.

For information about help with health costs please visit the website.