Media enquiries

Contacting the press office

To contact the national media team during normal office hours please call the press office: 0845 257 6990

Urgent out of hours media calls only

The duty press manager can be contacted on 0845 257 6990.

Queries can also be sent to

Please provide full details of your request and your contact information. This mailbox is constantly monitored.

Speaker requests

Complete our online form to request an NHS England speaker for your upcoming event.

Regional media teams

To contact the regional media teams, please use the following numbers.

Please note that these teams can only respond to enquiries from journalists. If you are a member of the public, please contact our customer contact centre.


In hours: Please email
Out of hours: For urgent out of hours media enquiries dial 0844 8222 888 and ask for a message to be sent to pager LON01 (L O N zero one).

South East

In hours: Please email
Out of hours: For urgent out of hours issues please call: 0300 033 2533.

South West

In hours: Please email
Out of hours: For urgent out of hours issues please call: 0303 033 3247.

North East and Yorkshire

In hours: Please email or call 07730 381 690.
Out of hours: Contact the on-call officer: 07730 381 690.

North West

In hours: Please email or call 07736 484533.
Out of hours: Contact the on-call officer: 07736 484533.


In hours: Please email
Out of hours: For emergency or out of hours media calls only, the regional duty press manager can be contacted on 07623 515937.

East of England

In hours: Please email
Out of hours: For emergency or out of hours media calls only, the regional duty press manager can be contacted on 07623 515950.

Please note that these teams can only respond to enquiries from journalists. If you are a member of the public, please contact our customer contact centre.

If you require non urgent medical advice please ring 111.