CCG Patient and Public Involvement Lay Members’ Network
Patient and public involvement (PPI) lay members from Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have a network, supported by NHS England, which they use to share learning and public participation good practice from their local areas.
The network enables NHS England to provide support to PPI lay members. It provides specialist PPI support and development to PPI lay members and helps CCGs to take a consistent approach to public participation locally and nationally.
The network also connects more widely with NHS Clinical Commissioners to link training, development, peer support and information sharing with other lay member networks of audit and finance. PPI lay members have been invited to join the Steering Group to help shape the combined support to lay members.
For more information about the PPI network and to join our mailing list please or visit the network’s independent website and blog for insights into the role of a PPI Lay Member. To subscribe to the joint bulletin for lay members (for NHS Clinical Commissioners members), the CCG bulletin (called ‘Engage’) or both please contact