Case studies

The case studies here demonstrate some positive examples of the NHS delivering improved high quality care in a number of different settings across the country.

They provide some context and background to the challenges being faced by the NHS and the solutions developed to ensure better, cost effective outcomes for patients and the public.





Lessons learnt from Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund – wave one pilots

In October 2013, the Prime Minister announced a £50 million Challenge Fund to help improve access to general practice. The Challenge Fund is designed to test innovative ways of providing primary care services. Of the 254 expressions of interest received for the Challenge Fund, 20 pilot sites were selected across the country; covering 1,100 general practices and 7.5 million patients.

The papers below are series of ‘innovation showcases’ designed to highlight the successes of the 20 pilots.

Innovation showcase series

Pace of implementation (showcase one, February 2015)This paper focuses on pilots which have been effective in implementing extended hours at pace.

Successful patient engagement (showcase three, March 2015)This paper focuses on pilots which have been effective in engaging their patient population.

Successful practice engagement (showcase four, March 2015)This paper focuses on pilots who have been effective in engaging practices and their staff.

Very large scale pilots (showcase six, June 2015)This paper focuses on pilots who are delivering at very large scale, across diverse geographies with multiple CCGs, many practices and with a large patient population.

Effective leadership (showcase seven, July 2015)This paper focuses on pilots which have demonstrated effective leadership.

Enhanced use of specialist nursing staff to reduce pressure on GPs (showcase eight, December 2015)This paper focuses on pilots which are making enhanced use of specialist nursing staff.