Patient experience
GP patient survey
The latest GP patient survey shows 96% of patients have “confidence and trust” in their family doctor as well as other general practice staff such as nurses and pharmacists.
The GP Patient Survey assesses patients’ experience of healthcare services provided by GP practices, including experience of access, making appointments, the quality of care received from healthcare professionals, patient health and experience of NHS services when their GP practice was closed.
The NHS England GP patient survey 2021 also revealed that:
- 94% of patients felt their needs were met at their last GP appointment
- 82% of patients were satisfied with the type of appointment they were offered, and accepted it.
The results of the survey are published by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England on the GP patient survey website.
Patient-reported indicator surveys (PaRIS)
PaRIS is an initiative to promote people-centred health care being run by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). More information about the initiative can be found on the OECD web page.
The PaRIS work programme includes the development of a new survey of patients with long-term conditions who are managed predominantly within primary care called the International survey of healthcare experience (ISHE) in England.
This pilot survey is being carried out by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care and will:
- measure outcomes and experiences of patients with one or more long-term conditions
- include both Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMS)
- include some background characteristics such as age, ethnicity and the type of conditions that will be collected to be used in data analysis.
As well as a patient questionnaire, there will be a provider questionnaire to find out about the resources different primary care providers have available to manage and support patients with long-term conditions.
The results from the survey will be used to understand the provision of healthcare services in England and will also be used to compare how healthcare services work in different countries.