GP Contract documentation 2021/22

This page sets out guidance and links to further resources to support implementation of changes to General Medical Services (GMS) contractual arrangements that will apply in England in 2021/22.

Standard contract documentation

The variation notices vary the contract/agreement to include the general practice pay transparency obligations (as required by the relevant regulations/directions). However, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has confirmed the implementation of general practice pay transparency is delayed until at least Spring 2022. This means that commissioners should not take action at this point in relation to contractors that have not submitted a declaration of 2019/20 earnings specifically. Further information on the implementation of the pay transparency provisions will be available in due course, and any changes to the provisions in this variation notice would be subject to a further contract variation.

Primary Care Networks – 2021/22 and 22/23

We are pleased to be able to set out plans for the gradual introduction of new service requirements for Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and confirm how PCNs will access the funding available for their activities through the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) across the second half of 2021/22 and 2022/23.

Update to the GP contract agreement 2021/22-2023/24: Financial implications

This letter outlines the funding available to CCGs that relates to the initial set of GP contract arrangements for 2021/22 outlined in the letter of 21 January and in the letter of 17 June to GP practices and primary care network clinical directors, setting out the further funding available to practices for 2021/22.

Supporting General Practice in 2021/22

This letter from NHS England and NHS Improvement and the British Medical Association (BMA) General Practitioners Committee (GPC) England sets out further measures to support general practice in 2021/22.

Update to GP contract arrangements for 2021/22

This letter from NHS England and NHS Improvement confirms further funding for PCN Clinical Director support, for the period from July to September 2021, will be provided.

Primary care system development funding (SDF) and GPIT funding guidance: Analysis of programmes and funding in 2021/22

This guidance outlines all the funds available to primary care via regions, systems and CCGs, including workforce growth and development, technology and practice and PCN resilience and development. This large and vital investment in primary care will help to support general practice both now, as the onus shifts to recovery, and in the future.

General Medical Services (GMS) Ready Reckoner

This ready reckoner has been produced by NHS England and NHS Improvement in partnership with the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and is intended to provide an indication of the changes in income streams that may affect GMS practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) from 1 April 2021 – and, as further updated, from 1 October 2021 too (where applicable). Figures are indicative and do not provide any guarantee of income.

The ready-reckoner was updated as at 1 April 2021 to cover income in 2021/22 – and to correct an error in a previous version to eliminate MPIG reinvestment, which ceased at the end of 2020/21. It has been further updated (i.e. as at 1 October 2021) with the recent changes and updates to PCN income, maximum reimbursable ARRS rates effective from 1 October – and also includes estimated PCN ARRS entitlement sums for 2022/23 and 2023/24 to support PCNs with future ARRS workforce planning.

General Medical Services Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)

The letter dated 10 March 2021 updates practices on the changes to QOF for 2021/22. To provide practice stability and to support recovery, QOF for 2021/22 will be based on the indicator set already agreed for 2020/21, with very limited changes only.

An updated version of the QOF guidance has also been published providing further detailed information on the changes to QOF for 2021/22. QOF will be reinstated in full from 1 April 2021. For any further queries, please contact

Update on vaccination and immunisation changes for 2021/22

The letter dated 10 March 2021 confirms the changes to the provision of routine vaccination and immunisation in general practice from 1 April 2021. These changes were first set out in February 2020‘s Update to the GP contract agreement 2020/21-2023/24 as part of a two-year transition to the new requirements.

Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service 2021/22

All the relevant documents for the 2021/22 Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service can be found below.

Network Contract DES Specification and Guidance, Participation and Notification Form and Frequently Asked Questions

Network Contract DES Supporting Guidance

The following documents provide additional guidance to support implementation of the Network Contract DES Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) and service requirements.

Network Contract DES Templates and Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme Claims Portal

The following documents support PCNs in implementing the requirements of the Network Contract DES.

Additional information

Changes to Personal Medical Services (PMS) and Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contracts

Following the changes agreed to the General Medical Services (GMS) contract for 2021/22, this document sets out the approach to the funding changes that NHS England will apply to Personal Medical Services (PMS) and Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contracts.

This guidance on implementing PMS and APMS has been updated as at 1 April. The updates correct an error in the previous version and no longer includes MPIG reinvestment, which ceased at the end of 2020/21. These updated versions now align with the Statement of Financial Entitlements.

NHS England Enhanced Services Influenza Specifications 2021/22

Weight Management Enhanced Service 2021/22

The Weight Management Enhanced Service encourages practices to develop a supportive environment for clinicians to engage with patients living with obesity about their weight, and provides up to £20 million funding in 2021/22 for referrals to weight management services. This enhanced service goes alongside a broader expansion of weight management services, including the launch of the NHS Digital Weight Management Service for those with hypertension and diabetes, and further investment into local authority tier 2 services.

Long COVID Enhanced Service 2021/22

To support general practice in managing Long COVID, NHS England will provide up to £30 million from 1 July 2021 – 31 March 2022 via a Long COVID Enhanced Service. This will support professional education, training and pathway development that will enable management in primary care where appropriate and more consistent referrals to clinics for specialist assessment. It will also support accurate coding and planning to ensure equity of access.

Temporary GP contract changes to support COVID-19 vaccination programme

A letter setting out further details of the actions we are taking to support GPs, primary care networks (PCNs) and their teams to progress this expansion of the vaccination programme alongside prioritisation of timely patient access to general practice services this winter.

Previous GP Contract documents