More nursing and midwifery stories from Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire CCG earns national recognition
Northamptonshire CCG has received a Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Award for its yellow bracelet scheme, an initiative which enables better and more joined-up care for patients. Developed by NHS Northamptonshire CCG through Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership, patients are given a yellow bracelet which contains a QR code. This provides clinicians and healthcare professionals instant access about the patient’s domiciliary care package and other healthcare needs.
Kettering General Hospital chief nursing information officer wins national award
Dione Rogers, a nurse at Kettering General Hospital has won a national award for her involvement in the introduction of an electronic patient record, including the use of on the spot hand-held patient observations recording. Dione was awarded the national Women in Tech Excellence 2020 Digital Leader of the Year Award. During autumn of last year, Dione played a key role in driving the roll-out of 600 hand-held devices to record patient observations across all 42 of the hospital wards.
Community nursing star provides support to Northamptonshire care homes
During the Covid pandemic, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s colleagues worked together to ensure that its service users, patients and carers continued to receive outstanding care. Laura Clifford, a community matron and her team provided care and support to care homes during lockdown. Laura led a care home task force, and her team provided support and guidance as well as helping to lower the transmission risk.