
photo illustration of a new housing development

Key facts

  • Led by Barton Oxford LLP a joint venture between Oxford City Council and Grosvenor.
  • 885 homes, Barton Park, extension of Barton.
  • 36 hectares (90 acres) Greenfield site adjacent to John Radcliffe Hospital.
  • Timeline: 2017-2023.
  • Region: South.

Barton’s vision

“All Barton residents (Barton and Barton Park) have an equal opportunity to good physical and mental health and good health outcomes”.

All residents will experience dynamic, relevant services that meet their needs and will be able to easily access health services, facilities and information to prevent ill-health.  Whilst responding to changes in the context, primary and secondary services will be inter-operable, proactive and reliable. Notably for patients with lower levels of resilience resulting from isolation, mental health problems, food poverty and substance misuse, who have lower levels of resilience.  The current and future built environment will be integrated appropriately and excel in its function to support healthy lifestyles, positive health outcomes, community cohesion, and successful ageing. In the long term, residents in Barton enjoy the same life expectancy and health outcomes as their Oxford neighbours.

There will be a strong green infrastructure network, including greenways and a linear park with cycling and walking actively promoted through the careful design of the masterplan. The scheme will include a range of new community facilities (including primary school, community hub and sports facilities). There will also be two civic squares to create natural gathering points and encourage social inclusion / community engagement.


  • Physical and Built Environment which supports health and wellbeing.
  • Health Systems to support health and wellbeing.
  • Healthy Behaviours.
  • One Barton.

What have Barton done so far?

  • Health and wellbeing profile baseline research.
  • Pilot for social prescribing adopted at Hedena Health surgery.
  • Health Impact Assessment for Barton to assess impact of development.
  • Training provided to local people and professionals on a range of specific local issues including:
    • Food poverty awareness
    • Mental health awareness
    • Community health champions training.
  • Inclusion of a draft HIA policy for Oxford’s Local Plan.

Links to relevant websites and social media