Improving experience of care: A shared commitment for those working in health and care systems
The National Quality Board has published its Experience of care framework.
The refreshed National Quality Board (NQB) ‘Improving experience of care: A shared commitment for those working in health and care systems’ (2022) builds upon previous guidance to set out a shared understanding of experience, and outlines key principles for delivering the best possible experience of care.
The guidance has been co-produced with a range of stakeholders, including patients and carers, and is designed to align with overarching system publications ’NQB shared commitment to quality’ and the ’NQB position statement on quality in integrated care systems’ - highlighting experience as an integral pillar of high quality care, alongside safety and effectiveness.
Whilst intended to inform the delivery of care within integrated care systems (ICSs), the principles and associated resources set out within this document may prove useful in provider settings and national clinical transformation programmes. The updated guidance does not change the statutory responsibilities of systems, rather intends to support consistency across organisations in delivering strategic improvements to quality and experience of care.
“The NQB is committed to ensuring that improving experience of care is embedded in quality work in ICSs, including within component health and care services, and across clinical pathways” Stephen Powis and Sean O’Kelly (NQB Chairs)
“The NHS can only deliver safe, effective and compassionate care for all by starting with what matters to people and putting improving people’s experience of care at the centre of how we go about improving quality across the NHS. I believe the refreshed National Quality Board improving experience of care shared commitment will help the NHS – nationally, in the new Integrated Care Boards, and locally – to work with patients and unpaid carers as equal partners in how we tackle the challenges the NHS is facing.” Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England.