Recall Framework
The NQB Recall Framework contains principles for conducting a patient recall in the interests of safety for providers of secondary care. It includes key elements which should be considered in order to conduct a recall process which is rigorous and patient-centred. Although this is for use in secondary care, the principles outlined may also be useful for recalls taking place in other settings.
The framework was drafted by a range of stakeholders, including providers and regulators, with input from patient representatives, as part of the response to the independent inquiry into the malpractice of former surgeon Ian Paterson. That inquiry found that the patient recall procedures were insufficiently focussed on the needs of patients and lacked transparency.
The document has been developed in consultation with patients. The recommendation was reached through a patient centred inquiry into a specific consultant’s malpractice and was informed directly from their experience. A roundtable was held with affected patients prior to the drafting of the framework in order to ensure their input could be incorporated into the document throughout the drafting process.
This framework is for use by providers. The way in which the provider(s) applies these principles will vary according to the individual circumstances and scale of any patient recall, and so the provider(s) will need to ensure their process and the principles patients should expect to be followed is clearly explained in clear language.
It is vital that patient recalls are conducted effectively and with the needs of patients impacted at their heart. This new framework aims to enable providers conducting recall processes to learn from previous experience and better serve the needs of their patients. It is another positive development as we seek to ensure patient safety is maintained throughout the health system Department of Health and Social Care