Urgent and emergency care channel shift model
NHS England, as part of its Urgent and Emergency Care Review, aims to connect all urgent and emergency care (UEC) services together so the overall system becomes more than just the sum of its parts.
This entails dissolving traditional boundaries between hospital and community based services and supporting the free flow of information and specialist expertise needed to achieve the delivery of patient care in the most appropriate and convenient setting.
This is why NHS England has developed a Consolidated Channel Shift Model (CCSM) to help commissioners and providers to understand shift activity and what happens when interventions are put in place.
The channel shift model toolkit and user guide will help commissioners to plan strategically and facilitate service design. They set out 16 intervention models which include ambulatory emergency care, co-location of urgent care centres, GP extended hours, care homes falls response training and Rapid response services.
There is also an overarching model which brings all the UEC intervention models together and calculates their combined effect.
Read Ciaran Sundstrem’s blog on how you can drive activity change in urgent care.
For more information please contact england.uecchannelshift@nhs.net.