Mental health

Mental health is one of six National Programmes of Care (NPoCs) overseeing the commissioning of specialised services.

The role of these programmes is to provide leadership and oversight of the development and delivery of a comprehensive work programme that achieves demonstrable improvements in the quality, equity, value and outcomes of commissioned specialised services.

The mental health NPoCs consists of:

Clinical reference groups provide clinical advice and leadership on the specialised services in mental health. These groups of clinicians, commissioners, public health experts, patients and carers use their specific knowledge and expertise to advise NHS England on the best ways that specialised services should be provided.

CRGs lead on the development of clinical commissioning policies, service specifications and quality standards. They also provide advice on innovation, horizon scanning, service reviews and guide work to reduce variation and deliver increased value. CRGs, through their Patient and Public Voice (PPV) members, also help ensure that any changes to the commissioning of specialised services involve patients and the public.

National Quality Improvement Taskforce for children and young people’s mental health inpatient services

In autumn 2019, a National Quality Improvement Taskforce was established to improve current specialist children and young people’s inpatient mental health, autism and learning disability services in England.

The Taskforce seeks to make a rapid set of improvements in care, with delivery of the programme by March 2022.  The charter of the Taskforce further describes its aims, what it will look at, it’s working principles and how it relates to the wider context.

Chair and membership of the Mental Health NPoC Board


  • Clinical Chair: Tim Kendall
  • Steve Sylvester, Head of Mental Health and Programme of Care
  • Victoria Man, Senior Programme of Care Manager
  • Andy Cotgrove, Steve Pearce, David Fearnley, Giles Berrisford, CRG Chairs
  • Ian Callaghan, Jenny Tata and Sandra Igwe, PPV members
  • Joe McEvoy, NHS England Specialised Commissioning Transforming Care Lead
  • Hud Manuel, NHS England Specialised Commissioning Mental Health Finance Lead
  • Dianne Addei, Public Health England
  • Anees Pari, PHE Specialised Commissioning Lead
  • Pol Toner, NHS E Specialised Commissioning Nurse Lead
  • Louise Davies, Lead Commissioner Adult Secure Services
  • Louise Doughty, Lead Commissioner T4 CAMHS
  • Victoria Man, Lead Commissioner Specialised Services
  • Minal Patel, NHS England Communications Lead Specialised Commissioning
  • Roshane Dunn, NHS England Specialised Commissioning Business Support


  • Nickki Churchley, Programme of Care Manager (South)
  • Alison Cannon, Programme of Care Manager (North)
  • TBC, Programme of Care Manager (Midlands and East)
  • Caroline Reid, Programme of Care Manager (London Region)