Specialised services quality dashboards
Specialised Services Quality Dashboards (SSQD) are designed to provide assurance on the quality of care by collecting information about outcomes from healthcare providers. SSQDs are a key tool in monitoring the quality of services, enabling comparison between service providers and supporting improvements over time in the outcomes of services commissioned by NHS England.
For each SSQD, there is a list of agreed measures for which data is to be collected. The latest full information for these measures can be found in the ‘Metrics metadata file’.
Healthcare providers, including NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts and independent providers, submit data for each of the agreed measures.
Each SSQD is ‘refreshed’ with up-to-date outcomes submitted from national data sources, and where necessary healthcare providers, on a quarterly basis.
The information provided by the SSQDs is used by NHS England specialised services commissioners to understand the quality and outcomes of services and reasons for excellent performance. Healthcare providers can use the information to provide an overview of service quality compared with other providers of the same service.
The collection of data for the Specialised Services Quality Dashboards has been approved by the Review of Central Returns – ROCR (ROCR/OR/2230/001MAND).
Submission timetable 2024/25
Metric metadata 2024/2025
Please note: All 2024/25 SSQD metric information for all Programmes of Care is now contained in one single table in the above ‘Metric metadata file’. PDF copies of individual services can be exported from this file following the steps in the ‘README’ tab. Metadata for previous collections can be found in the archives below.
Archive metadata
- 2023/2024 metric metadata file (Compendium)
- Blood and infection metric definition sets – archive
- Cancer metric definition sets – archive
- Internal medicine metric definition sets – archive
- Mental health metric definition sets – archive
- Trauma metric definition sets – archive
- Women and children metric definition sets – archive
- Gender dysphoria metric definition sets – archive
- Highly specialised services metric definition sets