AHPs in Primary Care Networks
The Network Contract DES Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme provides funding to support the expansion of workforce within primary care by an additional 26,000 roles by 2023/24. Through PCNs, general practice will be able to access funding via this scheme, allowing them to support the recruitment or engagement of services for a wide range of roles, including five AHP roles:
- First Contact Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Podiatrists
- Dieticians
- Paramedics (from April 2021)
Details of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, including reimbursement arrangements and role requirements are set out in the Network Contract DES Specification – see Section B7 onwards for role outlines. Each AHP being recruited or engaged via the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme will need to be working across the PCN and in accordance with the role requirements as a minimum. You can also access the full list of Allied Health Professional Job descriptions
Guidance has been developed for organisations leading the local recruitment and engagement of AHPs within primary care, showcasing the significant opportunities for collaborative working across the primary care system. It is to be used as a complementary resource, alongside the information set out in the Network Contract DES Specification and guidance and provides best practice and implementation advice: it is not statutory or contractual.
The guidance also outlines how the AHP roles could work as part of a PCN’s multi-disciplinary team (MDT), supporting work on clinical priorities. To access the full guidance and supporting documentation, please visit the ARRS page on FutureNHS (you may need to register to access).