Guidance, publications and resources
The following guidance, publications, and resources will support Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) in implementing The Allied Health Professions strategy for England: AHPs Deliver, led by the AHP leadership team across the NHS England Office of the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (CAHPO), the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and the NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (WTE) Directorate AHP team (previously Health Education England).
Supporting the NHS Long Term Plan, the ‘AHPs Deliver’ strategy supports and inspires the Allied Health Professions community to lead local actions to improve services and experiences for people and communities.
AHPs champion and promote diverse and inclusive leadership
- Reducing misogyny and improving sexual safety in the ambulance service
- Chief allied health professionals handbook
- Allied health professionals within integrated care systems: guidance for system executives and senior leaders
- Developing-allied-health-professional-leaders-guide
- Investing in chief allied health professionals: insights from trust executives
- Leadership of allied health professions in trusts: what exists and what matters
- Clinical leadership — a framework for action
- Paramedic leadership in ambulance trusts in England: Understanding the synergies and differences with other allied health professions’ leadership and leadership development
AHPs in the right place, at the right time, with the right skills
- Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England
- Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework
- Non-medical prescribing by allied health professionals
- Clinical academic careers
- Allied Health Professionals’ Careers Resource
- Allied health professionals job planning: a best practice guide
- Improving Rehabilitation Services
- Promoting-AHP-careers
- Teaching resources
AHPs commit to research, innovation, and evaluation
- Allied Health Professions’ Research and Innovation Strategy for England
- NHS electronic staff record NHS electronic staff record; How to ensure allied health professions are coded correctly
- Job planning the clinical workforce – allied health professionals
- Quick Guide: Allied Health Professionals enhancing health for people in care homes
- Quick guide: Allied Health Professions (AHPs) supporting patient flow
- Quick guide: the role of allied health professionals in supporting people to live well with and beyond cancer
- Chief AHP Officer’s Awards
- NICE into Action webinar series
- Allied health professionals job planning: a best practice guide
- School for Change Agents
- Q Community
- AHPs in quality improvement