Being inclusive and working with diverse communities
For additional resources, please go to engaging with diverse communities.
NHS England’s ‘What Works; patient and stakeholder engagement for Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)’ report, is intended to help SARCs collect and share feedback on patient involvement. It identifies learning from innovative engagement work in the public, third and voluntary sectors, as well as from those working with vulnerable and excluded groups. The report sets out a number of recommendations and identifies policies, tools and practices for service user engagement.
Service user involvement, A guide for drug and alcohol commissioners, providers and service users has been developed by Public Health England to show the benefits of involving service users in their treatment and recovery.
Guide to service user involvement and co-production: This practical toolkit offers a structured and accessible introduction to involving people with lived experience of criminal justice in your work, including examples of good practice, checklists, top tips to troubleshoot common challenges, and signposting to further information and support.
Good practice in service user involvement: A set of six case studies showcasing best practice in participation work from the voluntary sector working in criminal justice, including Healthwatch Peterborough’s prisoner engagement project, the liaison and diversion national lived experience team, and WY-FI’s work with NHS England Health and Justice in Yorkshire involving experts by experience in their prisons healthcare project.