Patient and public voice partners (PPVs) and people with lived experience
The patient and public voice (PPV) partners policy sets out how NHS England supports patient and public voice (PPV) partners and people with lived experience to be involved in its work. PPV partners include patients, service users, carers, families, people with lived experience and other members of the public who are involved in NHS England’s work in different ways. The policy sets out the support and governance arrangements in place to enable PPV partners to be effective in their roles.
NHS England aims to ensure that PPV partners are not out of pocket when they support its work and ‘Working with our patient and public voice (PPV) partners – reimbursing expenses and paying involvement payments’ sets out when and what financial support is available. It provides details on reimbursing PPV partner expenses and, in certain circumstances, offering involvement payments.
Opportunities to get involved
There are many ways that people are involved in having their say about the NHS. These include surveys, one-off events, and ongoing voluntary public voice roles. Not all work is about meetings – more and more, the NHS is getting out and meeting people where they are.
- you could visit the website of your local integrated care system (ICS) to find out ways to get involved in your area. ICS websites often have a page called ‘get involved’
- you could find your local Healthwatch
- NHS England lists opportunities to get involved in our work
Patient and public voice partners and chairs survey 2023
These surveys have closed. The report and findings from this year’s survey can be requested at:
Additional resources
Please visit resources for people who bring, or work with people who bring, their lived experience to a voluntary role and to find out more about how we work in partnership people and communities, visit working in partnership with people and communities.