Occupation regularisation
Improving space utilisation with a lease
The Department of Health and Social Care is committed to initiatives to improve property utilisation and value for money. As part of this, they are supporting a regularisation of tenancy arrangements of NHS owned and leased properties, between NHS Property Services (acting as landlords for the health system) and NHS entities and contract holders (tenants).
This means NHS England (working with NHS Property Services) is encouraging GPs and Providers of all types to formalise their tenancy agreements. Many occupations are currently lacking this formal agreement, and so we must document lease agreements under one standardised, streamlined system.
A formal agreement on a property’s lease will ensure that NHS Property Services (NHS PS) and their occupiers have the same understanding of the space they occupy and the services provided, in line with professional property norms. It will enable efficient management, transparent billing and strategic investment. It also provides a platform for planning future needs.
This effort has been running since 2013 and we are now keen to resolve outstanding cases and reach agreement. GP Practices and Providers are expected to enter open discussions with NHS PS, with a view that by April 2020 all tenants will occupy under a form of agreement as outlined above. Where it is evident that GPs and Providers are failing to engage, the Department of Health and Social Care and the NHS bodies may seek legal recourse.
For more information, visit the NHS Property Services website on their occupancy regularisation programme.
This letter informs NHS PS’ tenants of the types of tenancy arrangements available.