
NHS sets out advice for the public during industrial action

The NHS is asking patients to use services wisely during industrial action and take simple steps to help ensure care is available to patients who need it most. This includes using NHS 111 online as the first port of call for health needs and continuing to only use 999 if it is a life-threatening emergency. […]

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NHS tells patients to continue to access emergency care during industrial action

People should continue to come forward for the care they need during industrial action, the NHS has said today. Deputy Chief Nursing Officer Charlotte McArdle said it is “vital” they come forward for emergency care during strikes. The call follows messaging issued by the NHS last week across NHS websites and social media telling patients […]

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NHS gives GP teams direct access to tests to speed up cancer diagnosis

Tens of thousands of cancers could be detected sooner each year thanks to a national roll out of fast-track testing, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard will announce today. NHS England is expanding direct access to diagnostic scans across all GP practices, helping cut waiting times and speeding up a cancer diagnosis or all-clear for patients. […]

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High street pharmacists treat thousands more people for minor illnesses

More than 100,000 patients were seen by their high street pharmacist in just one month according to new NHS figures, helping people get the quick care they need as well as easing pressure on GP teams facing record demand. In June, 118,123 people with minor illnesses such as a sore throat or constipation, or those […]

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NHS set to boost GP workforce ahead of winter

Thousands more staff will be recruited to new roles in General Practice, so family doctors’ time can be freed up to see more patients during winter, the NHS has announced today. More than one thousand GP assistants will be recruited to practices from this month to offer more admin support with the roles already proven […]

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GP surgeries to provide specialist mental health support

Thousands of new mental health experts will be on hand to support people in their local GP practice amid record demand for services, the head of the NHS announced today. Fully trained experts from local NHS trusts will offer people with severe mental health problems such as bipolar, psychosis or eating disorders, a consultation, treatment, […]

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Parkinson’s patients benefit from revolutionary watch on the NHS to manage care at home

Patients with Parkinson’s disease are being given life-changing smart watches that allow doctors to remotely assess their condition in a pioneering project to revolutionise NHS care. The cutting-edge gadget containing sensors, known as a Parkinson’s Kinetigraph (PKG), is worn around the clock for six days to monitor patients’ movements at home. The information it collects […]

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