GP Patient Survey

The GP Patient Survey covers GP practice services and asks about your last contact, your last appointment and overall experience. The survey questionnaire also includes questions about when your GP practice is closed, your health and pharmacy and NHS dentistry services.

The results of the survey are published by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England on the GP Patient Survey website.

Latest publication

These are the latest Official Statistics for England for the GP Patient Survey, published on 11 July 2024:

This presents the results of aggregated data collected by online and postal surveys from 2 January 2024 to 25 March 2024.

An infographic of the latest data is available here:

In addition, NHS England has developed information packs for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) presenting the latest results specific for local areas, helping to inform commissioners about their patients’ experiences at local primary care networks. These are available on the GP Patient Survey website:

An interactive Primary Care Network (PCN) Power BI tool is also available, presenting the latest results for all survey questions. The tool shows the results for the GP practices that are a member of the PCN. There are a variety of options to export the results for use in reports and other documents. This tool is available on the GP Patient Survey website:

 Changes to the 2024 survey and trends

The publication of the 2024 survey results is the start of a new time series for GPPS. This means that trend data for previous years of the survey is not presented alongside the 2024 results, as it would normally be. The 2024 results are not comparable with previous years because of two significant changes which have been made to the survey in 2024:

  • New questionnaire – the questionnaire has been updated to make sure it continues to reflect how primary care services are delivered and how patients experience them. However, even for those individual questions where the wording has remained the same as in previous years, analysis has shown that trends cannot be reliably presented.
  • Changes to the survey design – the methodology of the survey has changed to an ‘online first’ approach. This is designed to improve response rates and reduce costs. The new approach will encourage a higher proportion of online responses, with a paper questionnaire only enclosed in the last postal reminder. Testing has shown that this change in methodology will lead to differences in results which are not due to a change in patient experience, so trends cannot be reliably presented.

Dental results 

The survey includes a number of questions that assess patients’ experience of NHS dental services.  For further information and the latest results, please see the published dental statistics. 

 2024 pre-release access list

Pre-release access list

Contact us

For further information about the published statistics, please contact: