Involving people with a learning disability
Ways you can involve people with a learning disability in your work:
- Make links with local self-advocacy groups. These are organisations run by and for people with a learning disability. Contact your nearest group.
- Have meetings with people with a learning disability. Read tips on making meetings accessible for people with a learning disability.
- Complaints systems and how you ask for feedback need to be accessible to people with a learning disability. There is a project called Ask Listen Do which is making feedback, concerns and complaints easier for people with a learning disability, autism or both and their family carers.
- Employ people with a learning disability. Find out more about employing people with a learning disability.
- Use quality checkers – people with a learning disability who can check if your service is accessible
- You could use ‘Always Events’ as a way to make your services better.
Bitesize guide to getting feedback from people with a learning disability.