Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy, code of practice and toolkit

The Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review (C(E)TR) policy, code of practice and toolkit provide:

  • a solid framework to ensure C(E)TRs are delivered at a consistently high standard across England
  • support to systems to help them develop effective and consistent registers of all people with a learning disability and autistic people, including those considered to be at risk of admission to a mental health hospital.
  • commissioners with the tools they need to carry out C(E)TRs

We recently updated the policy and code of practice, which have been co-produced with a wide range of stakeholders, and we have now included a toolkit. The resources in the toolkit are listed below.

Care (Education) and Treatment Review toolkit

This toolkit provides useful resources to support policy implementation and good practice. We are currently working with teams to develop more resources to support everyone involved in the work of dynamic support registers and Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews

Care (Education) and Treatment Review operational support – preparation, delivery and follow up