2019/20 CQUIN
Combined CCG and PSS CQUIN Guidance
- Combined CCG and PSS CQUIN 2019/20 Guidance – Publishing Approval Reference 000050
CCG CQUIN Indicator Specification
- CCG CQUIN 2019/20 Indicators Specifications – Publishing Approval Reference 000050
Prescribed Specialised Services CQUIN 2019/20 Scheme
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation and Stewardship PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation National Reporting Template
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 1 Waste Calculator
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 1 Waste Calculator with Costs
- PSS1 MedicinesOptimisation trigger 1 Waste Calculator with out Costs
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 4 Best value summary
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 5 AF audit
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 5 Antifungal Stewardship Implementation Pack
- PSS1 Medicines Optimisation trigger 5 BSMM Guidelines Fungal Diagnosis
- PSS2 Towards Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Elimination PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS3 Cystic Fibrosis Supporting Self-care PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS4 Achieving Healthy Weight in Adult Secure Mental Health Services PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS5 Addressing CAMHS Tier 4 Staff Training Needs PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS6 Mental Health D/deaf Communication Assessment PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS7 Clinical Utilisation Review (CUR): Avoiding Inappropriate Hospital Stays PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS8 Severe Asthma Specialised Care Review PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS9 Immunoglobulin Stewardship PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS10 Spinal Surgery PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS11 Promoting Transplantation by Optimisation of the Organ Donation and Living Kidney Donor Pathways PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS12 Enabling Thrombectomy: Interventional Neuroradiology Training PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS13 Rethinking Conversations: Personalising Care for Long Term Condition Patients PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS14 Networked Delivery of Cirrhosis Care Bundle PSS CQUIN Indicator
- PSS15 Paediatric Movement Therapies PSS CQUIN Indicator