2016/17 Prescribed Specialised Services CQUIN schemes
Prescribed Specialised Services CQUIN guide
PSS CQUIN Schemes – in a single document
PSS CQUIN Schemes – separate documents with supporting files
General schemes
- GE1 Clinical Utilisation Review (CUR)
- GE2 Activation System for Patients with Long Term Conditions
- GE3 Hand Hygiene Technology
- GE4 Optimal Device
Blood and Infection Programme of Care Schemes
- BI1 HCV Improving Treatment Pathways through ODNs
- BI2 Severe Haemophilia Haemtrack Patient Home Reporting
- BI3 Automated Exchange Transfusion for Sickle Cell Care
- BI4 Improving Haemoglobinopathy Pathways through ODNs
Cancer Programme of Care Schemes
- CA1 Enhanced Supportive Care for Advanced Cancer Patients
- CA2 Nationally Standardised Dose Banding Adult Intravenous SACT
- CA2 Drug List for Dose Banding
- CA2 Dose Banding CQUIN Reporting Template EXTENDED (see 2017 – 2019 Prescribed Services CQUIN Schemes for a revised version)
Internal Medicine Programme of Care Schemes
- IM1 Reducing Cardiac Surgery Non-elective Inpatient Waiting
- IM2 Cystic Fibrosis Patient Adherence
- IM3 Multi-System Auto-Immune Rheumatic Diseases MDT Clinics, Data Collection and Policy Compliance
- IM3 Rheumatology datasheet – Available on request from ENGLAND.commercial@nhs.net
Trauma Programme of Care Schemes
Please note that errors regarding the Scheme Payment respectively for the TR1 Adult Critical Care and the TR3 Spinal Surgery Networks schemes have been corrected as of 15 March 2016.
- TR1 Adult Critical Care Timely Discharge
- TR2 Acute Spinal Cord Injury Centre Outreach Visits to Newly Injured Patients
- TR3 Spinal Surgery Networks, Data and MDT Oversight
Women and Children Programme of Care Schemes
- WC1 Difficult to Control Asthma Assessment in Twelve Weeks
- WC2 Univentricular Infants Home Monitoring
- WC3 CAMHS Screening for Paediatric Patients with Long Term Conditions
Mental Health Programme of Care Schemes
- MH1 Patient Ward Communities, Implementing A ‘Sense of Community’ in High Secure Wards
- MH2 Recovery Colleges for Medium and Low Secure Patients
- MH3 Reducing Restrictive Practices within Adult Low and Medium Secure Services
- MH4 Improving CAMHS Care Pathway Journeys by Enhancing the Experience of Family/Carer
- MH5 Benchmarking Deaf CA and Adult MH Services and Developing Outcome Performance Plans and Standards
- MH6 Adherence to Standards for Gender Identity Clinics
- MH7 Perinatal Involvement and Support for Partner/Significant Other
For PSS CQUIN queries, please email ENGLAND.commercial@nhs.net