Care home, GP practice
Authorised staff who have been set up as proxies on the GP system can access the accounts of all residents in their care who have consented to this.
The care home manager just needs to make sure enough authorised staff are set up for proxy access to allow for holiday and sickness cover.
The care home must tell the GP practice when a proxy leaves and when a new person needs to be set up as a proxy.
Authorised care home staff who already order medication via paper, plus other roles as agreed locally where there may be a need to access information for the purpose of direct care. The care home and GP practice must discuss and agree levels of access locally.
There are no limits to the number of people who can be set up as proxies by the GP practice.
Not for proxy access to be given for medication ordering only. If access to other areas of the GP record are to be opened up for proxy access, the resident must be registered for GP online services.
Building strong relationships and trust from the outset with key stakeholders is vital. Setting up and managing an agreed process and making it business as usual is key to long-term success.
Every care home staff member has access to all residents. It is the care home’s responsibility to tell the surgery about staff leavers or joiners.