10. Improve productivity and reduce variation across the health system
As part of the spending review settlement, the NHS has agreed to deliver an annual efficiency of 2.2%. Most of this will need to be delivered via local integrated care boards and provider organisations. Local systems will be supported in this by a number of national priority programmes, which together form an efficiency programme that reports into the National Productivity Board.
Our commitments for 2022/23
- Continue to reduce unwarranted variation in clinical standards and outcomes and support the adoption of validated, efficient and cost effective best in class services across the whole of the NHS through the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme.
- Drive improvements in patient outcomes and experience and ensure that the best value is achieved from the NHS’s investment in medicines.
- Support NHS providers to reduce their agency staff bills and encourage workers back into substantive and bank roles.
- Support the NHS to generate more value for each pound (£) spent on corporate services and reduce unwarranted variation.
- Support the NHS to reduce addressable spend by leveraging collective buying power, delivering consistency and compliance in the routes to market and driving more effective contracting.
You can download a PDF version of our 2022/23 business plan here