5. Improve access to primary care
The Fuller Stocktake sets out the need for a differentiated and personalised patient offer and recommended the creation of integrated neighbourhood teams and more at-scale working to improve same day access for urgent care and personalised care for those who need it most. We will develop an implementation plan in collaboration with local systems, while moving to achieve quick wins in 2022/23.
Our commitments for 2022/23
- Improve access to general practice by increasing the number of appointments, enabled by the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), and supporting primary care networks to deliver the enhanced access service.
- Support retention of the primary care workforce and the recruitment to and embedding of multidisciplinary team roles through continuing to deliver a suite of GP recruitment and retention initiatives and increasing the capacity of direct patient care roles in primary care via the ARRS.
- Support the delivery of personalised care by publishing the personalised care specification as part of the primary care Direct Enhanced Services contract, developing clear guidance for the operation of personalised care and embedding personalised care training through the Personalised Care Institute.
- Leverage the benefits of community pharmacy through supporting the implementation of (1) the GP referral pathway for the community pharmacist consultation service, (2) the smoking cessation service at discharge from hospital and (3) the implementation of the community discharge medication service.
- Support improved access to community dentistry and the continued restoration of primary dental services.
- Support community services transformation through developing new models of care, such as Hospital at Home and urgent community response teams, implementing a new intermediate care framework and supporting implementation of electronic patient records.
You can download a PDF version of our 2022/23 business plan here